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ESL Podcast 21 - Tell Me About Yourself
27.01.2010, 16:35
ESL Podcast 21 - Tell Me About Yourself
     Well, I was born and raised in Minnesota, in St. Paul, Minnesota, to be exact. I won't say how long ago that was, but let's just say I'm no spring chicken. I grew up there with my rather large family of 8 brothers and 2 sisters. (I was the baby of the family, but I swear I wasn't spoiled!) We were 13 in all, probably the biggest family in the neighborhood, maybe in the state. I had a mostly happy childhood. My father and mother didn't have a lot of money, but we were never worried about keeping up with the Joneses. I wasn't much into sports like my brothers were, but I enjoyed reading and listening to music growing up.
     I went to grade school near my house, and then to a high school about 2 miles from where I lived. After graduating from high school, I went on to the University of Minnesota to get my bachelor's degree. It took me a while to learn the ropes at the university, but I finally graduated nearly 6 years later. Better late than never, as my father used to say. I then went to Mexico for a couple of years to teach English and to study Spanish. When I returned, I decided to become a teacher, so I went back to school to get my Master's degree. After teaching for a few years, I was offered a job in California, so I moved to Los Angeles in 1991. After working here a few years, I went back to school (again!) to get my Ph.D. I was starting to become a professional student.
     Well, I finished up my degree in four years, and then taught at the university for several years. Now, I work at a small research organization here in L.A. I am happily married, and I still enjoy reading and listening to music, and, of course, hosting ESL Podcast.
Find Ukrainian variants of the new words and expressions:
Досконало вивчити (увійти в курс справи), справжня дитина, заприсягатися, точний, краще пізно ніж ніколи, продовжувати, початкова школа, дослідницький, округа, намагатися жити не гірше сусідів, можливо, рости, дитинство, (часто) говорив, закінчувати (навчальний заклад), бути одруженим, вічний студент, нарешті, закінчив, стати, зіпсований.
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